5 Types of coaching you may benefit of in your professional development alinafloreadotnet career coaching executive coaching life coaching relationship coaching skill coaching Feb 02, 2022

Personal development can occur in many ways: training, mentoring and coaching being the most common forms in which one person can choose to follow, where, guided by a professional coach, would develop themselves, with intention, methodically, following a plan, towards their own...

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10 Myths and misconceptions about coaching alinafloreadotnet coaching executive coaching myths Jan 26, 2022

Last week I was talking here about the main differences between coaching, mentoring, consulting, training and counselling in my attempt to clarify the differences and what is specific to each of them.

Today I bring another topic on which I see many managers stumble: myths and misconceptions about...

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Coaching. Mentoring. Consulting. Training. Counselling. alinafloreadotnet consulting counselling executive coaching mentoring mindset personal development training Jan 19, 2022

Since 2019 when I started to practice coaching and develop myself as a professional coach, I realised how little is known to people about what coaching is and about its significant benefits. 

I often hear, especially in environments where highly skilled professionals work, beliefs about...

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Personal Development and Coaching alinafloreadotnet executive coaching mindset personal development transition Jan 12, 2022

I write this post with the premise you are a manager or a person interested in accessing a management position. However, this post applies to all highly skilled professionals acting as technical experts in their field and having a decisive contribution in a team.

Why is this post about personal...

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Welcome to my blog alinafloreadotnet mindset transition Jan 05, 2022



I’m Alina, a native Romanian, based in Milan, Italy, for 4 years now. Publishing this very first blog post on my site, I'd like to share my story with you in the hope you will be inspired to make that change...

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