Growing Further, Growing Up alinafloreadotnet career coaching coachable executive coaching how to leadership personal development May 05, 2022

Do you know that feeling of knowing where a person is today on their personal development journey only based on how they sound when they talk?

You meet a colleague or former colleague who is a couple of months into their job as a first time manager or leader. And they talk...

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Coaching competencies for managers alinafloreadotnet career coaching competence leadership management style Mar 02, 2022

Many managers I know admit they would have benefited from having a coach in their journey towards their current management position or even in maintaining and mastering it. Many of them regret not having had such resource earlier. 

However, asked about how do they pay attention or take...

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Employer Sponsored Coaching alinafloreadotnet career coaching coachee sponsor Feb 15, 2022

Looking back on both my experience as an executive coach and my previous experience as a C-level executive sponsoring coaching, I realised it might be helpful writing something about that case when organisations decide to sponsor coaching of managers or of management teams, and bring in external...

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5 Types of coaching you may benefit of in your professional development alinafloreadotnet career coaching executive coaching life coaching relationship coaching skill coaching Feb 02, 2022

Personal development can occur in many ways: training, mentoring and coaching being the most common forms in which one person can choose to follow, where, guided by a professional coach, would develop themselves, with intention, methodically, following a plan, towards their own...

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