This Year I Will...


Reading time: 10 minutes


As we embark on this new year, it's more than just a fresh page in the calendar; it's a pivotal moment for us as professionals and individuals to recalibrate our ambitions and tactics. The charm of New Year's resolutions is rooted in the promise of transformation – an opportunity to amplify our influence, efficiency, productivity, interpersonal dynamics, and professional reputation.


The Essence of Personal Change in Management


Resistance to change is natural, yet it remains the cornerstone of advancement, particularly in the realm of leadership. As decision-makers, it's imperative to introspect: Why are we driven to refine our skills in delegation? What motivates our pursuit of harmonic cohesion between team members? Why do we need to support our team beyond a certain limit? Why do we look always for external validation?

Our pursuits might not always echo traditional benchmarks of success, like cost reduction or revenue growth. More often, they resonate with deeper, more intrinsic goals – the pursuit of a harmonious and efficient workplace or innovative projects. These inner motivations not only propel our success but also nurture our own fulfilment and personal development.

Many managers are on the quest for change, seeking intriguing, challenging roles that offer new learning opportunities. Beyond the allure of novelty, there's a yearning for an environment where one's voice is acknowledged, where initiative thrives, and cohesive teams are the norm. The hope is for a workplace where success is achieved more seamlessly, with minimal friction.

However, the reality lies in our perception and interaction with our surroundings. Often, we inadvertently perpetuate dynamics that sap our energy. Merely switching job roles or workplaces won't rectify these patterns. These ingrained tendencies must be addressed at their core, requiring a shift in our mindset. This is where probing the 'why' becomes crucial. It takes a moment of pause and reflection to contemplate what truly matters to us. Once we recognize the misalignment between our initial responses and our core values, we're better positioned to adjust our thoughts and actions for a more harmonious alignment.


Overcoming the New Year's Resolution Loop

It's common among managers to fall into the trap of the "resolution loop" - pledging to embrace a new leadership style, implement new technologies, or improve team dynamics year after year, without tangible progress.

To break this cycle, we need to understand the “sacrifices”, hurdles and challenges that accompany these changes. For instance, committing to transparent communication might initially lead to uncomfortable conversations or the feeling of lack of safety. Similarly, embracing innovative project management techniques might require a steep learning curve.

Managers often underestimate the effort required to maintain a course of action that feels unnatural, akin to adjusting to a new suit. Its unfamiliar texture, fit, or style demands acclimatization before it feels like a part of us. This period of adjustment is crucial and often the most challenging phase of any transformation.

Knowing what is to be done and what type of outcome should be obtained is one thing. Often it is the easiest part of any change. But moving ahead with determination, consistency and remaining loyal to your resolution on the new road despite feeling exposed, judged, and evaluated at every step is the right path towards a successful change.

Recognizing the initial discomfort as a natural phase of transformation allows us to seek and utilize necessary support systems. These systems help maintain our focus and prevent demoralization or deviation from our original objectives. The tendency to revert to familiar, albeit professionally limiting, patterns is strong because familiarity breeds comfort. However, surrounding yourselves with the right resources and support is not just a wise and expedient strategy; it's indispensable to your growth.


The Journey Matters as Much as the Destination

As managers, we should focus on the journey as much as the destination. Embracing change is not just about achieving an end goal, such as a more motivated team or a streamlined workflow. It's about how we show up for it daily, e.g. the daily efforts to communicate better, prioritize tasks more effectively, and inspire and motivate our teams.

This approach might entail modest but impactful actions, such as allocating the first part of your day to strategic planning or consistently scheduling team feedback sessions. A key to effective transition is recognizing what's working and intentionally fostering more of it.

A common obstacle for managers is the inclination towards self-sabotage, often manifested through overly critical self-talk. This might be intended as a precautionary measure to avoid repeating past errors, but in reality, it often leads to diminished self-confidence, a loss of optimism about the success of the transition, and a waning enthusiasm for professional and personal pursuits.

Halting this negative self-dialogue is imperative. Embracing the inevitability of mistakes or imperfections is essential in any new venture. The focus should not be on the errors themselves, but on the ability to swiftly rectify them, demonstrate accountability, take responsibility, and learn from these experiences.


Embracing Discomfort as a Catalyst for Growth

One of the fundamental aspects of leadership is the willingness to embrace discomfort. As managers, we are frequently called upon to make challenging decisions, impose order amidst chaos, or transform existing structures into something more effective.

Each such scenario propels us beyond our comfort zones, often placing us in positions where challenging the status quo becomes not just an option, but a necessity. As a leader, it's your prerogative to question existing practices. Even these are yours or of your team. This questioning is not just a right but a responsibility, even if the ultimate decision to enact change does not rest solely with you.

This might involve advocating for necessary changes and considering solutions that may disrupt established procedures or necessitate a reevaluation of leadership styles and communication methods. Such initiatives, always grounded in the pursuit of company-wide improvements and growth, often require a bold and visible stance.

Leadership roles inherently demand visibility and sometimes unpopular measures. Both aspects can lead to significant discomfort. However, it's critical to recognize this discomfort not as a setback but as a true sign of personal and professional development. It's a vital component in the journey towards realizing your goals and resolutions.


Start Small, Aim Big: The Path to Impactful Leadership

The journey to becoming a more effective and impactful manager often begins with small, deliberate steps. Whether it's refining your time management, boosting team morale, or adopting a more agile approach to challenges, each incremental effort is an essential part of your broader objective to enhance your leadership.

Your ultimate goal may be ambitious, akin to climbing a lofty peak. But even the highest mountain is ascended step by step. There's no merit in halting at a modest elevation, doubting your capacity to climb further. What you've achieved thus far is proof of your potential. It's within your power to adjust your approach, incorporate breaks, and choose between the steep or the gentle path. Each day offers a fresh opportunity to refine your goals, making them increasingly realistic and attainable.


The Role of a Coach in Your Journey

Having a coach by your side can be transformative, enabling you to speed up your transition by taking the steeper path while maintaining the feel of a gentler slope.

At least 97% of the time, this guidance will streamline your journey and will make you feel accompanied, safe and taken care of.

The remaining 3%? Those will be your eye-openers, the times when you'll vividly perceive your resistance or barriers to progress. Such realizations might be momentarily uncomfortable, like a vaccine's quick prick, but they're fleeting. Nobody likes to put the brakes on themselves.

Once you see it, you cannot undo your awareness. Therefore you will shed fast unnecessary burdens such as disproportionate or unrealistic expectations. Your coach will guide you gently in these moments, reinforcing your confidence. The clarity you will get and the resulting laughter you will experience will signify a lesson learned.

Only after such moments are you truly equipped to accompany or guide your team members in similar growth.


A Call to Action for the New Year


As we enter this new year, let's reframe our perspective on resolutions. Let this be the year you actively engage with the change you know is waiting for you, incorporating it into your daily leadership practice, recognizing that every small step is significant in our journey to leadership excellence.

I am ready and eager to assist in your professional evolution. I would be privileged to be your thought partner in a coaching process this year. Share with me your professional or personal goals for 2024, and I will promptly reach out to arrange a complimentary call to strategize your transformational journey for this year.




Alina Florea

Your Management Performance Coach






This article explores the transformative journey of leadership and management, emphasizing the importance of embracing change and personal growth in the professional sphere. It highlights how the start of a new year offers a unique opportunity for managers and leaders to redefine their goals and strategies, moving beyond the allure of New Year's resolutions to actualize meaningful change. The article underscores the essence of change in management, focusing on introspection and the pursuit of deeper aspirations that go beyond conventional metrics of success, like cost reduction or revenue growth.

The narrative addresses the challenges inherent in this process, such as the 'resolution loop' where managers repeatedly commit to changes without seeing tangible progress, and the discomfort that accompanies growth. It advises managers to value the journey as much as the destination, advocating for small, consistent steps towards larger goals. The role of a coach is highlighted as crucial in navigating the path of leadership, providing support and clarity, especially during moments of resistance or self-doubt. The article concludes by encouraging managers to embrace each challenge as an opportunity for growth, thereby becoming the impactful leaders they aspire to be.

  • Embrace the new year as a chance to redefine professional goals.
  • Change in management requires introspection and aligning with deeper aspirations.
  • Overcome the 'resolution loop' by recognizing and facing inherent challenges.
  • Accept discomfort as a necessary part of personal and professional growth.
  • Small, consistent steps are key to achieving larger leadership goals.
  • A coach's guidance is invaluable in navigating leadership challenges.
  • Embracing challenges leads to becoming more effective and impactful leaders.





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